Mariakonsert | Tønsberg Domkor | Søndag 23.mars kl 18.00
Tønsberg domkor med domorganist Espen Melbø inviterer til konsert på Mariabudskapsdag, 23. mars, kl. 18:00.
Repertoaret er hentet fra den engelske og norske kirkemusikktradisjonen med verk av blant andre Howells, Holst og Grieg.
Velkommen til en kveld med vakker og stemningsfull musikk.
Dirigent: Timothy Ferguson

Tønsberg Domkor present a concert titled "Magnificat" (Maria's song) on Mariabudskapsdag.
Repertoire for this concert takes inspiration from various texts concerning Mary and the feast
of the annunciation. Stylistically, the music will be centred around the English choral
tradition- specifically Evensong. The Magnificat text is sung at every Evensong service, so
this is a natural marriage. Additionally, vikardirigent Timothy Ferguson has a long experience
working in this tradition from his time working and studying in the UK.
Together with organist Espen Melbø, the choir will sing, amongst others, music by Stanford,
Howells, and Holst. Central to the programme is Holst's setting of Ave Maria. This rarelyperformed work is written for 8-voice female choir. The acoustic of Tønsberg domkirke will
suit the rich harmonies and spacious melodies perfectly.
Espen Melbø- Orgel
Tønsberg domkor
Dirigent: Timothy Ferguson